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Williams-Cone Elementary School

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Staff Dashboard

ParentSquare Logo

ParentSquare Login

Take Me to ParentSquare

SmartFind Express Logo

SmartFind Express

Take Me to SmartFind Express

Infinite Campus Logo

Infinite Campus

Take Me to Infinite Campus

Time Clock Plus Logo

Time Clock Plus

Take Me to Time Clock Plus

Building Use Requests

If you advise a club or need to reserve a space for an activity after normal school hours, please utilize the building use request form. Ahead of filling out the form, you can check with the office staff to see if a classroom or building space has already been reserved. If it is available, complete the form. Please note, every attempt will be made to notify a staff member if their classroom has been reserved for another use before or after school hours.

iObservation Login Link

PEPG Information

The purpose of the Performance Evaluation and Professional Growth (PEPG) system is to improve educator effectiveness by clearly setting forth expectations for professional practice and growth, as well as providing actionable feedback and support to help educators meet those expectations. By increasing educator effectiveness, the District strives to increase student achievement.

MSAD 75 PEPG Handbook

Review the Marzano Maps (district login required)

Review the Marzano Protocols (district login required)

School Specific Staff Resources

Certification Information

Visit the MSAD 75 Certification Website for all content relating to certification, mentoring, and professional development.

Take Me to the Certification Page

Centegix Training Video

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Faculty Dance Barbie 2024


Student Data Privacy Consortium Logo

MSAD 75 Student Data Privacy Agreements

Visit our public listing on the Student Data Privacy Consortium national database. This page lists all data privacy agreements that our district has on file with various companies, and provides instructions for staff about how to request additional resources through IIQ.

Take Me to the SDPC

T3: Technology Teaching Tools

T3: Technology Teaching Tools

Use your MSAD 75 login to enter our suite of technology teaching tools we affectionately call T3! This resource includes lists of Google Classrooms created by our staff that instruct teachers how to utilize different curriculum tools that our district subscribes to.

Take Me to the T3 Tools

Infinite Campus Logo

MSAD 75 IC Staff Training Resource

Have a question about how to use Infinite Campus? Visit our training resource page to find the answer!

Take Me to IC Training Resources

Looking for MSAD 75 Benefits Information?

Head over to the HR page for the most recent information about our offered benefits!

Take Me to the HR Page

Other Staff Forms